Response to consultation on draft Guidelines on triggers for use of early intervention measures
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Question 2: Do you consider the level of detail used in the draft Guidelines to be appropriate?
See attachedQuestion 3: Do you have any comments on the proposed specification of early intervention triggers based on the outcomes of SREP?
See attachedQuestion 4: Do you have any comments on the proposed approach to use material deterioration or anomalies in key indicators in deciding whether there is a need to apply early intervention measures?
See attachedQuestion 5: Do you have any comments on the proposed description of significant events that should be considered as possible triggers for the decision whether to apply early intervention measures?
See attachedQuestion 6: Do you agree with our analysis of the impact of the proposals in this Consultation Paper? If not, can you provide any evidence or data that would explain why you disagree or might further inform our analysis of the likely impacts of the proposals?
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