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Response to consultation on Guidelines on disclosure of non-performing and forborne exposures
Go backQuestion 1: Could you provide your views on whether adding an “of which” column to column ‘f’ of template 1 - “Credit quality of forborne exposures”, including the information on non-performing forborne exposures that are impaired (i.e. “of which impaired”) would be useful?
See attachmentQuestion 2: Could you provide your views on whether adding the columns with the breakdown of provisions for non-performing exposures by buckets of the number of days that the exposure has been past due to template 3 - “Credit quality of performing and non-performing exposures by aging of past due days” would be useful?
See attachmentQuestion 3: Could you provide your views on whether the breakdown between “on balance sheet exposures” and “off balance sheet exposures” included in template 5 – “Quality of Non-performing exposures by geography” is useful?
See attachmentQuestion 4: Could you provide your views on whether the information on loans and advances secured with immovable property with a loan-to-value higher than 60% and lower than 80% included in row 3 of template 7 – “Collateral valuation - Loans and advances at cost or amortised cost” is useful?
See attachmentQuestion 5: Do you agree with the overall content of these guidelines and with the templates proposed? In case of disagreement, please outline alternatives that would help to achieve the purpose of the guidelines.
See attachment