EBA publishes XBRL taxonomy for remittance of supervisory reporting by competent regulatory authorities
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its XBRL taxonomy to be used for remittance of data under the Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on supervisory reporting. The taxonomy defines a representation for data collection under the reporting requirements related to own funds, financial information, losses stemming from lending collateralised by immovable property, large exposures, leverage ratio and liquidity ratios. It presents the data items, business concepts, relations, visualisations and validation rules described by the EBA Data Point Model contained in the ITS on supervisory reporting.
Uniform data formats are necessary to enable the exchange of reported data regarding groups of credit institutions and investment firms, as part of the operation of the Single Rulebook aimed at enhancing regulatory harmonisation in the banking sector in the EU and facilitating a proper functioning of cross-border supervision. In this respect, this taxonomy will lead to greater efficiency in and convergence of supervisory practices across Members States, facilitating the supervisory process and allowing supervisors to identify and assess risks consistently across the EU and to compare EU banks in an effective manner.
Although primarily developed for use in data transmission between competent authorities and the EBA, many authorities are known to intend to use the proposed XBRL taxonomy for the collection of supervisory reporting from the credit institutions and investment firms they supervise. Where so used by competent authorities, this harmonised reporting format is therefore expected to lead to greater efficiency and lower costs of regulatory compliance for credit institutions and investment firms in Europe.
The taxonomy package released today includes the following technical documents:
- The set of XML files forming the XBRL taxonomy
- A description of the architecture of the XBRL taxonomy
- Filing rules specifying requirements and guidelines for creating instance files (reports) that use the taxonomy
- Sample reports for illustrative purposes
- The Data Point Model of which the taxonomy is a standardised technical implementation (for reference), including both database and document representations, along with a description of the formal modelling approach on which it is based.
Legal basis and next steps
This XBRL taxonomy has been developed based on the final draft ITS and DPM on supervisory reporting (and incorporating some revisions arising from the publication and adoption process, see below), in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012 (colloquially known as Capital Requirements Regulation or CRR).
The ITS and DPM are pending publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, and adoption as EU Regulations that will be directly applicable throughout the EU, and hence this taxonomy is subject to any further necessary revisions to these source materials arising during this publication and adoption process and/or any critical technical corrections that may be identified.
In the first half of 2014, the EBA is expected to publish an update to this taxonomy incorporating additional reporting requirements regarding asset encumbrance, non-performing loans and forbearance.
COREP FINREP XBRL Taxonomy v2.0.0.pdf
(58.67 KB - PDF) Last update 1 February 2017
EBA XBRL Filing Rules for v2.0.0.pdf
(836.13 KB - PDF) Last update 1 February 2017
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Franca Rosa Congiu