CEBS publishes revised Guidelines on Financial Reporting

CEBS publishes today its revised guidelines on financial reporting (FINREPrev2). The revision of the guidelines is part of CEBS’s effort to streamline reporting requirements for supervised institutions, consistent with the recommendations of the Financial Services Committee Report on Financial Supervision (the Franck Report) and the White Paper of the Commission on Financial Services Policy -2005-2010.

CEBS harmonises reporting framework for European financial groups

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today published guidelines establishing a standardised financial reporting framework (FINREP) for credit institutions operating in the EU. This framework will enable credit institutions to use the same standardised data formats and data definitions for prudential reporting in all countries where the framework will be applied.

CEBS publishes additional guidelines on stress testing

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) is today publishing additional technical guidance to complement the CEBS guidelines on the Supervisory Review Process issued in January 2006 in the area of stress testing.

Consultation Paper on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the determination of the overall exposure to a client or a group of connected clients in respect of transactions with underlying assets

The European Banking Authority launches today a consultation paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) to define the conditions and methodologies used to determine the overall exposure to a client or group of connected clients resulting from a transaction with underlying assets and the risks inherent in the structure of the transaction itself. The consultation runs until 16 August 2013.

Survey: Review of the European System of Financial Supervision

The European Parliament has commissioned two studies reviewing the European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS). These studies will inform the deliberations of the European Parliament, in particular its Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs’ (ECON).

EBA recommends supervisors to conduct asset quality reviews and adjusts the next EU-wide stress test timeline

The EBA agreed today on recommendations to supervisors to conduct asset quality reviews on major EU banks. While banks’ capital positions were significantly strengthened under the EBA’s recapitalisation exercise, the objective of the asset quality exercises will be to review banks’ classifications and valuations of their assets so to help dispel concerns over the deterioration of asset quality due to macroeconomic conditions in Europe.

Report on the Basel III monitoring exercise

The EBA publishes today a report on the results of the Basel III monitoring exercise, as a follow-up to the comprehensive European quantitative impact study (EU-QIS) conducted to analyse the impact of the new requirements and published in December 2010.

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