EBA issues Opinion to the Norwegian Ministry of Finance on a measure adjusting the risk weight for commercial immovable property

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published an Opinion following notification by the Norwegian Ministry of Finance of its intention to amend the risk weights for exposures secured by mortgages on commercial immovable property. The measure aims to limit risks associated with commercial immovable property. Based on the information provided, the EBA does not object to the risk weight adjustment.

​The EBA consults on the new framework for the operational risk loss as part of the implementation of the EU Banking Package

​The European Banking Authority (EBA) today launched a consultation on three sets of draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) aiming to standardise the collection and the record of operational risk losses and to provide clarity on the exemptions for the calculation of the annual operational risk loss and on the adjustments to the loss data set that banks must perform in case of merged or acquired entities or activities. The consultation runs until 6 September 2024.

The EBA and ESMA invite comments on the review of the investment firms prudential framework

The European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) published today a discussion paper on the potential review of the investment firms’ prudential framework. The discussion paper aims at gathering early stakeholder feedback to inform the response to the European Commission’s call for advice (CfA). The consultation runs until 3 September 2024. To assess the impact of the possible changes discussed in the paper, the EBA also launched a data collection exercise on a voluntary basis.

Funds to protect deposits in case of bank failure are going up, EBA data shows

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published end-2023 data related to two key concepts and indicators in the Deposit Guarantee Schemes Directive (DGSD), namely available financial means (AFMs) and covered deposits. The EBA publishes these data for the deposit guarantee scheme (DGS) in each Member State on a yearly basis to enhance the transparency and public accountability of DGSs across the EEA to the benefit of depositors, markets, policymakers, DGSs and Members States.

The EBA publishes its final Guidelines on STS criteria for on-balance-sheet securitisation

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today the final Guidelines on the criteria related to simplicity, standardisation and transparency and additional specific criteria for on-balance-sheet securitisations (so-called STS criteria). These Guidelines will ensure a harmonised interpretation of these STS criteria, in alignment with the EBA Guidelines for asset-backed commercial paper (ABCP) and non-asset-backed commercial paper (non-ABCP) securitisation.

The EBA finds divergences in the issuance and regulation of ‘virtual IBANs’ across the EU, identifies issues, and provides recommendations on how to address them

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published a Report on the issuance of what is commonly referred to as ‘virtual IBANs’ (vIBANs). In the absence of a common definition, the Report observes that the industry issues vIBANs in different ways and for different purposes and national authorities diverge in interpreting and applying regulatory requirements. The Report also identifies resulting issues in terms of money laundering and terrorist financing, consumer and depositor protection, authorisation and passporting, and regulatory arbitrage, and provides recommendations on how to address them.

The EBA consults on draft guidelines on acquisition, development and construction exposures to residential property under the standardised approach of credit risk

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today launched a public consultation on its draft Guidelines (GLs) under the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR3) regarding acquisition, development and construction (ADC) exposures to residential property. These Guidelines specify the credit risk-mitigating conditions that allow institutions to assign a risk weight of 100% instead of 150% for ADC exposures to residential property. Furthermore, the Guidelines also address the specificities of institutions’ lending to public housing or not-for profit entities. The consultation runs until 19 August 2024.

The EBA consults on draft technical standards on equivalent mechanism for unfinished property under the standardised approach of credit risk

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today launched a public consultation on its draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) under the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR3) regarding the equivalent mechanism for unfinished property. These technical standards specify the conditions that a legal mechanism should meet in order to recognise a property under construction in the own fund requirements calculation under the standardised approach of credit risk. The consultation runs until 13 August 2024. 

The EBA publishes final draft technical standards under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published three sets of final draft regulatory technical standards (RTS) and one set of final draft implementing technical standards (ITS) relating to the authorisation as issuer of asset-referenced tokens (ARTs), to the information for the assessment of acquisition of qualifying holdings in issuers of ARTs and to the procedure for the approval of white papers for ARTs issued by credit institutions under the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (MiCAR). These technical standards are key to regulate access to the EU market by applicant issuers of ARTs and persons intending to exercise significant influence on these undertakings via the acquisition of qualifying holdings.

The EBA presents its main achievement in 2023

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published the first part of its 2023 Annual Report presenting the main achievements and activities of the organisation in fulfilling its mandates under its Work Programme over the last 12 months.

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