CP draft RTS on RRAO.pdf
Consultation paper on draft RTS on residual risk add-on
Consultation Paper on draft RTS on gross JTD amounts.pdf
Consultation Paper on draft RTS on gross JTD amounts
Consultation paper on revising guidelines on DGS stress tests.pdf
Consultation paper on revising guidelines on DGS stress tests
CP on GL on authorisation.pdf
Consultation Paper on Guidelines on authorisation
Consultation paper on draft ITS on Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risks.pdf
Consultation paper on draft ITS on Pillar 3 disclosures on ESG risks
CP on draft RTS and ITS on information exchange for investment firms.pdf
Consultation Paper on draft RTS and ITS on information exchange for investment firms
CP on draft RTS on colleges of investment firms.pdf
Consultation paper on draft RTS on colleges of investment firms
CP GLs on LE Breaches and Time Measures to Return to Compliance.pdf
Consultation Paper on Guidelines on LE Breaches and Time Measures to Return to Compliance
CP on ITS on Supervisory disclosure for investment firms under Art 57(4) of IFD.pdf
Consultation Paper on draft ITS on the format, structure, contents list and annual publication date of the supervisory information to be disclosed by competent authorities under Article 57(4) of IFD
CP on GL on the monitoring of IPU threshold.pdf
Consultation on the monitoring of the threshold for establishing an intermediate EU parent undertaking
CP on GL on remuneration policies under IFD.pdf
Consultation paper on Guidelines on remuneration policies for investment firms
CP on draft GL on internal governance IFD.pdf
Consultation paper on Guidelines on internal governance for investment firms
Draft CP on ITS 2022.pdf
Consultation Paper on ITS amending Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/2070 with regard to benchmarking of internal models
CP on RTS on calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts of CIUs.pdf
CP on RTS on calculation of risk-weighted exposure amounts of CIUs
CP on draft GL on remuneration policies_track changes.pdf
Consultation Paper on draft Guidelines on remuneration policies - track changes