EBA-Op-2015-08 Opinion on the partial waiver.pdf
EBA-Op-2015-08 Opinion on the partial waiver
EBA-Op-2015-04 Technical Advice on benchmarking pursuant to Art 78(9).pdf
Technical Advice on benchmarking pursuant to Art 78(9) (EBA-Op-2015-04)
EBA-Op-2015-03 (EBA Opinion on lending based Crowdfunding).pdf
EBA/Op/2015/03 Opinion on lending based crowdfunding
EBA-Op-2015-02 (EBA Opinion on CVA risk).pdf
EBA-Op-2015-02 (EBA Opinion on CVA risk)
BSG response to Consultation Paper (EBA-JC-DP-2014-02) - 17 February 2015.pdf
BSG response to Consultation Paper (EBA-JC-DP-2014-02) - 17 February 2015
EBA Op 2015 01 (Opinion on the review of the definition of eligible capital).pdf
Opinion on the review of the definition of eligible capital (EBA/Op/2015/01)
EBA OP 2014 14( Securitisation Risk Retention Opinion).pdf
EBA OP 2014 14( Securitisation Risk Retention Opinion)
EBA-Op-2014-13 (Opinion on the partial waiver).pdf
EBA-Op-2014-13 (Opinion on the partial waiver)
EBA-OP-2014-13 - Technical Advice on Structured Deposits.pdf
EBA/Op/2014/13 Technical Advice on Structured Deposits
EBA-Op-2014-12 (Opinion on perimeter of credit institution).pdf
EBA-Op-2014-12 (Opinion on perimeter of credit institution)
EBA-Op-2014-11 (Opinion on CfA on art 108 and 109).pdf
Opinion on CfA on art 108 and 109
EBA-Op-2014-10 Opinion on remuneration and allowances.pdf
EBA-Op-2014-10 Opinion on remuneration and allowances
EBA-Op-2014-09 Opinion on a structural measure notified by the French Republic.pdf
Opinion on a structural measure notified by the French Republic (EBA/Op/2014/09)
EBA-Op-2014-07 - Central banks funding support measures.pdf
Opinion on the use and benefits from Central Banks' funding support measures
EBA-Op-2014-06 - EBA opinion on macroprudential rules in CRR-CRD.pdf
EBA opinion on macroprudential rules in CRR-CRD