Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Opinion on the recommendations of the High-level Expert Group on reforming the structure of the EU banking sector (EBA BS 2012 219)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Opinion on the methodology for the calculation of transitional floors (EBA/Op/2012/04)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Opinion on some amendments introduced in the Capital Requirements Regulation (EBA/Op/2012/03)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Opinion on Capital requirements for Central Counterparties under the EMIR (EBA/Op/2012/02)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Opinion on the Commission’s Green paper on Shadow Banking (EBA BS 2012 139)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Cover letter to the ICANN on the planned Top Level Domain Names .bank and .fin (20 February 2012)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Comments to the ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) on the planned Top Level Domain Names '.bank' and '.fin' (EBA BS 2011 197)
Opinion of the European Banking Authority - Opinion on Commission’s Services consultation
‘Technical Details of a Possible EU Framework for Bank Recovery and Resolution’ (3 March 2011)
CEBS’s advice to the European Commission on the noneligibility of entities only producing credit scores for ECAI recognition
Comments on the EU Commission green paper on corporate governance in financial institutions and remuneration policies
CEBS’s Advice on the EU Framework for Cross-Border Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
CEBS’s response to the European Commission’s Communication on an EU Framework for Cross-Border Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
CEBS and CEIOPS Technical Advice on issues related to the current application in the areas of definitions and terminology, scope and internal control requirements of the Financial Conglomerates Directive
CEBS publishes advice on the effectiveness of a minimum retention requirement for securitisations
CEBS's advice on article 42 of CRD.pdf
CEBS' Advice on information required to be exchanged under Article 42 CRD