2008 15 10 CESR-CEBS advice on Commodities.pdf
CESR/CEBS’s technical advice on the review of commodities business
Technical advice to the European Commission on the review of the large exposures rules (Part 2)
CEBS and CEIOPS Technical Advice on the equivalence of supervisory arrangements in Switzerland and United States
Technical advice to the European Commission on the review of the large exposures rules (Part 1)
Joint CEBS CEIOPS report on August 2007.pdf
CEBS and CEIOPS Technical Advice on the cross-sectoral comparison of the sectoral rules for the eligibility of capital instruments in the regulatory capital (Part 2) - Report on the impact of the differences in sectoral rules on the calculation of own funds of financial conglomerates
IWCFC-DOC-07-01-final _Comparisonofsectoralrulescapitalinstruments.pdf
CEBS and CEIOPS Technical Advice on the cross-sectoral comparison of the sectoral rules for the eligibility of capital instruments in the regulatory capital (Part 1) - Cross-sectoral comparison of capital instruments
CEBS's advice on e-Money (01 July 2005)