EBA Opinion on the Commission’s proposal to bring virtual currency entities into the scope of 4AMLD
EBA Opinion on the Commission’s proposal to bring virtual currency entities (EBA-Op-2016-14)
EBA-Op-2016-09 EBA Opinion on Commission amendments to ITS on benchmarking of internal approaches.pdf
EBA Opinion on Commission amendments to ITS on benchmarking of internal approaches (EBA-Op-2016-09)
ESAs 2016 41 (Joint Opinion on EC amend ITS ECAIs Mapping CRR).pdf
Joint Opinion on EC amend ITS ECAIs Mapping CRR (ESAs 2016 41)
EBA-Op-2016-08 Opinion on additional collateral outflows.pdf
Opinion on additional collateral outflows (EBA-Op-2016-08 )
EBA-Op-2016-07 (Opinion on Customer Due Diligence on Asylum Seekers).pdf
Opinion on Customer Due Diligence on Asylum Seekers (EBA-Op-2016-07)
EBA-OP-2016-06 Report on Securitisation Risk Retention Due Diligence and Disclosure.pdf
Report on Securitisation Risk Retention Due Diligence and Disclosure (EBA-OP-2016-06)
EBA Op-2016-05 (Report on Benchmarking of Remuneration and High Earners 2014).pdf
EBA Op-2016-05 (Report on Benchmarking of Remuneration and High Earners 2014)
EBA-Op-2016-04 Report on SMEs and SME supporting factor.pdf
Report on SMEs and SME supporting factor (EBA-Op-2016-04)
BSG response to Consultation Paper (JC 2015 080) - 04 March 2016.pdf
BSG response to Consultation Paper (JC 2015 080) - 04 March 2016
EBA-Op-2016-03 EBA Opinion on measures in accordance with Art 458
EBA-Op-2016-03 EBA Opinion on measures in accordance with Art 458
EBA-Op-2016-02 Opinion on RTS on MREL.pdf
EBA-Op-2016-02 Opinion on RTS on MREL
EBA-Op-2016-01 Opinion on IRB implementation.pdf
EBA-Op-2016-01 Opinion on IRB implementation
EBA-Op-2015-25 Opinion on the Application of Proportionality.pdf
EBA-Op-2015-25 Opinion on the Application of Proportionality
EBA-Op-2015-26 EBA report on synthetic securitisation.pdf
EBA-Op-2015-26 EBA report on synthetic securitisation
EBA-Op-2015-24 Opinion on MDA.pdf
EBA-Op-2015-24 Opinion on MDA