Conflicts of interest of members of the governing bodies and other committees 

In view of the decision-making powers granted to members of the EBA’s governing bodies (Board of Supervisors and the Management Board), a specific policy on conflicts of interests for non-staff applies to them. Under the policy, members, alternates, non-voting members and observers must submit an annual declaration of interests that is published on the EBA’s website.  

If a member breaches the rules on conflicts of interests, the Chairperson needs to review the instruments adopted by the body in which that member participated, and adopt the necessary measures to ensure the independence and objectivity of the EBA’s decision-making processes.  

Furthermore, when appointed to governing bodies, members, alternates, non-voting members and observers must submit a declaration of intention concerning their commitment and confidentiality, which is also published in the EBA’s website.  

Members of the independent panels established in accordance with Article 41 of the EBA Regulation for the purposes of Articles 17, 19 and 22(4), and members of the Resolution Committee and the Standing Committee on Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Terrorist Financing (AMLSC) are subject to the same rules on conflicts of interest. 

AustriaVoting memberHelmut Ettl

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateMichael Hysek

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

BelgiumVoting memberJo Swyngedouw

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateKurt Van Raemdonck

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

BulgariaVoting memberRadoslav Milenkov

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateStoyan Manolov

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

CroatiaVoting memberTomislav Čorić

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateSanja Petrinić Turković

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

CyprusVoting memberConstantinos Trikoupis

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateKleanthis Ioannides

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

Czech Republic    Voting memberZuzana Silberová

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateMarcela Gronychová

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

DenmarkVoting memberLouise Carolin Mogensen

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateThomas Worm Andersen

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

EstoniaVoting memberAndres Kurgpõld

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateKilvar Kessler

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

FinlandVoting memberMarko Myller

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateJyri Helenius

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

FranceVoting memberNathalie Aufauvre

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateFrançois Haas

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

GermanyVoting memberRaimund Röseler

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateAdam Ketessidis

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

GreeceVoting memberHeather Gibson     

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateAnna Tsounia 

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

HungaryVoting memberCsaba Kandrács

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateLászló Vastag

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

IrelandVoting memberGerry Cross

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateMary-Elizabeth McMunn

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

ItalyVoting memberAndrea Pilati

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateFrancesco Cannata

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

LatviaVoting memberKristine Černaja-Mežmale

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateLudmila Vojevoda

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

LithuaniaVoting memberSimonas Krėpšta

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateRenata Bagdonienė

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

LuxembourgVoting memberClaude Wampach

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateNele Mayer

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

MaltaVoting memberChristopher P. Buttigieg

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateAnabel Armeni Cauchi

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

NetherlandsVoting memberSteven Maijoor

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateWillemieke van Gorkum

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

PolandVoting memberArtur Ratasiewicz

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

PortugalVoting memberRui Pinto

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateJose Rosas

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

RomaniaVoting memberAdrian Cosmescu

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateNicolae Cătălin Davidescu

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

SlovakiaVoting memberTatiana Dubinová

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateLinda Šimkovičová

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

SloveniaVoting memberPrimož Dolenc

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateDamjana Iglič

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

SpainVoting memberDaniel Perez Cid

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateAgustín Pérez Gasco

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

SwedenVoting memberHenrik Braconnier

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateMagnus Eriksson

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

DenmarkVoting memberLouise MorgensenCurriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
FranceVoting memberNathalie AufauvreCurriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
GermanyVoting memberRaimund Röseler    Curriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
AlternateAdam KetessidisCurriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
GreeceVoting memberHeather GibsonCurriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
AlternateEkatrini KorbiCurriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
HungaryVoting memberCsaba Kandrács

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

AlternateLászló Vastag

Curriculum vitae

Declaration of Intention

LatviaVoting memberKristīne Černaja-MežmaleCurriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention
Alternate Curriculum vitae
Declaration of Intention