
Responsive imageThe three European Supervisory Authorities - EBA, ESMA and EIOPA - the ESAs, develop joint Q&As to support the consistent and effective application of the EU regulatory framework for the financial services sector. These Q&As also contribute to the completion of the EU Single Rule Book.

The ESAs do this by publicly providing responses to questions asked by the public, financial market participants, competent authorities, Union institutions and other stakeholders.

An overview of the questions is available in the Joint Q&A Register. This register includes all Joint Q&As, such as Joint Committee Q&As, ESAs Q&As, and Q&As of joint interest and provides an overview of questions with various statuses (under review, final, revised).

In the register document, the answer column includes links to either a consolidated PDF documents (available for some Legal Acts only) or the relevant page of the Q&A webtool of the respective ESA. The Joint Q&A Register undergoes regular updates to integrate new Q&As, whenever there is an update of the file. 

Rejected Q&As are visible (for a period of two months since rejection, in accordance to Article 16b(3) of the ESAs founding regulations) only in the Q&A webtool of the ESA where they have been submitted.  

In accordance with Article 16b) of the ESAs founding Regulation, stakeholders can submit questions on the practical application or implementation of the provisions of legislative acts that are under the joint remit of the ESAs, as well as the Technical Standards, Guidelines and Recommendations adopted under these legislative acts.

Questions should relate to the practical application or implementation of provisions of the relevant Legal Act and/or associated Delegated or Implementing Acts, RTS, ITS, Guidelines, or Recommendations. They should be as short and concise as possible. Questions that require the interpretation of EU law it will be forwarded to the European Commission who will prepare answers.

Questions under review and their final answers will be published on Fridays in the below table.

If you have questions related to the European Markets Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR), which includes the RTS 2016/2251 on bilateral margining, or on the Simple, transparent and standardised Securitisation Regulation (SecReg) you may submit your question using the following links: