Regulatory Technical Standards on the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of FRTB IMA and changes to the subset of modellable risk factors

  • Status: Final draft RTS/ITS adopted by the EBA and submitted to the European Commission

The Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of the Internal Models Approach (IMA) and changes to the subset of the modellable risk factors (MRF) under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) rules are part of the EBA roadmap for the new market and counterparty credit risk approaches. Material extensions and changes to the use of the IMA and material changes to the institution's choice of the subset of the MRF, require permission from competent authorities before implementation. Other non-material extensions and changes to the use of the IMA require notification to the competent authorities. These RTS specify the conditions for assessing the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of the IMA and changes to the subset of the MRF. 

Summary of document history

Previous versions Current version Ongoing versions

Consultation on draft RTS on the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of FRTB IMA and changes to the subset of MRF

  • Status: Closed
  • Deadline: 29 FEBRUARY 2024
Consultation Paper on draft RTS on the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of FRTB IMA and changes to the subset of MRF

(764.97 KB - PDF)


The form is now closed.

Received responses to the EBA

Public hearings

Public hearing on RTS on the materiality of extensions and changes to the use of FRTB IMA and changes to the subset of the modellable risk factors


(440.64 KB - PDF)

Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu