Regulatory Technical Standards on pay out in instruments for variable remuneration under the Investment Firms Directive (IFD)

  • Status: Adopted and published in the Official Journal of the EU

These draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) introduce requirements for investment firms for AT1, Tier 2 and Other Instruments used for the purposes of variable remuneration, to ensure that they appropriately reflect the credit quality of the investment firms as a going concern, and define for Tier 2 and Other Instruments the write-down, write-up and conversion mechanisms.

Summary of document history

Previous versions Current version Ongoing versions

Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on instruments for variable remuneration under IFD

  • Status: In force
  • Application date:
  • Compliance deadline:
Final draft RTS on instruments for variable remuneration under IFD

(993.33 KB - PDF) Last update 30 June 2021


Press contacts

Franca Rosa Congiu