Response to consultation on supervisory handbook on the validation of rating systems under the Internal Ratings Based approach

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1a) How is the split between the first and the subsequent validation implemented in your institution?

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1b) Do you see any constraints in implementing the proposed expectations (i) as described in section 4 for the first validation for a) newly developed models; and b) model changes; and (ii) as described in section 5 for the subsequent validation of unchanged models?

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Question 2: For rating systems that are used and validated across different entities, do you have a particular process in place to share the findings of all relevant validation functions? Do you apply a singular set of remedial action across all the entities or are there cases where remedial actions are tailor-made to each level of application?

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3a) Do you deem it preferential to split the review of the definition of default between IRB-related topics and other topics?

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3b) If you do prefer a split in question 3a, which topics of the definition of default would you consider to be IRB-related, and hence should be covered by the internal validation function?

See attachment

Question 4: Which approach factoring in the rating philosophy of a model into the back-testing analyses should be considered as best practices?

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Question 5: What analyses do you consider to be best practice to empirically assess the modelling choices in paragraph [76] and, more generally, the performance of the slotting approach used (i.e. the discriminatory power and homogeneity)?

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6a) Which of the above mentioned approaches do you consider as best practices to assess the performance of the model in the context of data scarcity?

See attachment

6b): More in general, which validation approaches do you consider as best practices to assess the performance of the model in the context of data scarcity?

See attachment

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