The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today its final implementing technical standards (ITS) on reporting for asset encumbrance. These ITS, which will be part of the EU Single Rulebook in banking, provide reporting templates and instructions with the ultimate aim of ensuring harmonised reporting of asset encumbrance across institutions.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) published today an updated list of FAQs on the Prudent Valuation Quantitative Impact Study (QIS), amending the version published on 3 October 2013. Changes and/or clarifications to the FAQs are marked in red in the excel file.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a consultation on a Recommendation on the use of the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI). The document will require all entities for which information is required under EU reporting obligations to obtain a pre-Legal Entity Identifier (pre-LEI) code for reporting purposes.
The EBA informs that as of today’s date any final answers to questions submitted under the Single Rulebook Q&A tool will be published on Fridays between 12pm and 1pm GMT. Please note that as the EBA will be closed Friday 1 November (EU public holiday), any publication this week will take place on Thursday 31 October between 12pm and 1pm GMT instead.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) publishes today its first risk dashboard, summarising the main risks and vulnerabilities in the banking sector in the European Union (EU). The dashboard looks at the evolution of Key Risk Indicators (KRI) from 56 banks across the EU and points to significant improvements, particularly in terms of strengthened capital base.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) released today its final technical standards on supervisory reporting on Non-Performing Exposures and Forbearance, which will provide consistent indicators of asset quality of banks across the European Union. The EBA also issued recommendations on asset quality reviews (AQRs) aimed at supporting existing and/or planned reviews across the EU.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today three consultations on draft technical standards (ITS and RTS) related to liquidity requirements. In particular, the EBA will be consulting on 1) draft ITS on currencies for which the justified demand for liquid assets exceeds their availability; 2) draft RTS on derogations for eligible currencies; and 3) draft ITS listing the currencies with an extremely narrow definition of central bank eligibility. All three consultations will run until 22 December 2013.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launched today a consultation on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on disclosure for leverage ratio. These standards will be part of the EU Single Rulebook in the banking sector and aim at harmonising disclosure of the leverage ratio across the EU by providing institutions with uniform templates and instructions. The consultation runs until 24 January 2014.
The EBA announced today the new composition of its Banking Stakeholder Group (BSG). The group, which now enters its second term of work, has the important role of facilitating consultation and dialogue with stakeholders in all the areas relevant to the tasks of the EBA. Newly appointed and reappointed members from the previous term will represent in a balanced way consumers, users and employees, as well as academia and various types of credit and investment institutions across the EU.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a consultation paper on draft Guidelines setting out the calculation of the discount rate for variable remuneration and clarify how it should be applied. The consultation will run until 18 January 2014.
On 5 December 2013, the European Banking Authority (EBA) will host a workshop on stress testing. This one-day seminar will bring together high-level speakers from commercial banks, as well as from regulatory and supervisory authorities, to discuss the most recent issues regarding stress testing in banks, stress tests as a risk management tool, as well as stress testing from a regulatory perspective.
The EBA publishes today an overview of the objectives and work of the EBA’s Standing Committee on Financial Innovation (SCFI) in 2011-2012 in the area of consumer protection and financial innovation.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) is organising a Policy Research Workshop to discuss measures on how to regulate and resolve systemically important institutions. This workshop, which will bring together leading economists from supervisory authorities, as well as top-academics, provides a forum for presenting academic papers on policy issues on this topic that are relevant at EU and global level.
New or significantly revised mandates were introduced for the EBA following the finalisation of the Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRDIV) and of the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), published in the Official Journal on 27 June 2013, and their corrigenda of 2 August 2013.
The Joint Committee publishes the 2013 List of Identified Financial Conglomerates. The latest version of the list shows 75 financial conglomerates with the head of group in an EU/EEA country, one with the head of group in Australia, two with the head of the group in Switzerland, and two with the head of group in the United States
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