The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on close correspondence between the fair value of an institution’s covered bonds and the fair value of its assets. These RTS will be part of the Single rulebook aimed at enhancing regulatory harmonisation in the EU. The consultation runs until 1 September 2013.
The European banking Authority (EBA) published today its third semi-annual report on risks and vulnerabilities of the EU banking sector. The report analyses the main developments and trends affecting the sector in the current year and provides an outlook of the main micro-prudential risks and vulnerabilities, as well as of related policy implications. The report also puts forward possible measures for addressing these risks through coordinated policy and supervisory actions.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on own funds requirements for investment firms based on fixed overheads. These RTS will be part of the Single Rulebook aimed at enhancing regulatory harmonisation in the banking sector in Europe. The consultation runs until 30 September 2013.
CEBS has published its guidelines on the implementation, validation and assessment of the risk management and risk measurement systems used by credit institutions and investment firms applying to move to an advanced approach to calculate their capital requirements.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a consultation on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on the reporting of the hypothetical capital of a central counterparty (CCP). These ITS will be part of the Single Rulebook aimed at enhancing regulatory harmonisation in the banking sector in Europe. The consultation runs until 30 September 2013.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a public consultation on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) setting out the requirements related to prudent valuation adjustments of fair valued positions. The objective of these draft RTS is to determine prudent values that can achieve an appropriate degree of certainty while taking into account the dynamic nature of trading book positions. The consultation runs until 8 October 2013.
The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its report on the national implementation of its High-level Principles for Remuneration Policies that was published in April 2009, addressed both to regulators and regulated institutions.
The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today received a call for technical advice - second part on Article 122a of the amended Capital Requirements Directive.
The EBA publishes today it work programme for 2013. The annual work programme describes and summarises the main objectives and deliverables of the EBA in the forthcoming year. It is based on the tasks specified in the Regulation and in the relevant EU banking sector legislation.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a consultation on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) which specify the format, structure, contents list and annual publication date of the supervisory information to be disclosed by competent authorities in the banking sector. These ITS will be part of the Single Rulebook aimed at enhancing regulatory harmonisation in Europe. The consultation runs until 9 October 2013.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today a new online “Single Rulebook Q&A” tool which will allow institutions, supervisors and other stakeholders to submit their questions on the CRD IV package, on the related Technical Standards developed by the EBA and adopted by the European Commission (RTS and ITS), as well as on the EBA Guidelines.
The European Banking Authority publishes today two consultation papers on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) to identify (i) a list of relevant closely correlated currencies for the purposes of calculating the capital requirements for foreign-exchange risk; and (ii) a list of relevant appropriately diversified indices for the purposes of calculating the capital requirements for equity risk. The consultations of both draft ITS run until 8 September 2013.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today two public consultations on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) related to how competent authorities collaborate and exchange information regarding institutions operating through branches and regarding the freedom of provision of services in one or more EU Member States other than that in which head offices are situated. The consultations run until 8 October 2013.
The European Banking Authority (EBA) launches today two consultations on (i) draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) related to supervisory reporting of additional monitoring metrics for liquidity and (ii) draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on additional collateral outflows. Both consultations run until 14 August 2013.
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