EBA CP 2013 41 (Draft CP on draft ITS on disclosure of leverage ratio).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on Disclosure for the Leverage Ratio (EBA/CP/2013/41)
EBA CP 2013 40 (CP on draft Guidelines on the discount factor for variable remuneration).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Guidelines on the applicable notional discount rate for variable remuneration (EBA/CP/2013/40)
EBA CP 2013 37 (Draft CP on ITS on currencies with extremely narrow central bank eligibility).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Implementing Technical Standards on currencies with an extremely narrow definition of central bank eligibility (EBA/CP/2013/37)
EBA CP 2013 38 (Draft CP on ITS on list of currencies with liquid asset shortage).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on currencies for which the justified demand for liquid assets exceeds the availability of those assets (EBA/CP/2013/38)
EBA CP 2013 39 (Draft CP on RTS for the use of derogations).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on derogations for currencies with constraints on the availability of liquid assets (EBA/CP/2013/39)
Data point model.zip
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper related material - Data point model (EBA/CP/2013/36)
Description of DPM formal model.pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper related material - Description of DPM formal model (EBA/CP/2013/36)
EBA Architecture for XBRL representation of DPM.pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper related material - EBA architecture for XBRL representation of DPM (EBA/CP/2013/36)
Draft XBRL Taxonomy.zip
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper related material - Draft XBRL taxonomy (EBA/CP/2013/36)
Sample instances.zip
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper related material - Sample instances (EBA/CP/2013/36)
EBA CP 2013 36 (CP on Draft XBRL taxonomy).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on the XBRL Taxonomy related to the EBA final draft Implementing Technical Standards on Supervisory Reporting Requirements (EBA/CP/2013/36)
EBA-CP-2013-35 (CP on draft RTS to identify geographical location of credit exposures).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the method for the identification of the geographical location of the relevant credit exposures (EBA/CP/2013/35)
FAQ on Prudent Valuation 30-10-2013.xlsx
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper related material - FAQ (EBA/CP/2013/28)
EBA-CP-2013-34 (CP on GL retail deposits subject to different outflows).pdf
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Guidelines on retail deposits subject to different outflows for purposes of liquidity reporting (EBA/CP/2013/34)
European Banking Authority Consultation Paper - Consultation Paper on draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) on the definition of materiality thresholds for specific risk in the trading book (EBA/CP/2013/33)