2010 EU-Wide Stress Testing Exercise

Further to its statements issued on 18 June, 7 July and 19 July 2010, CEBS today releases its summary report on the results of the EU-wide stress test exercise. A Q&AS paper jointly prepared by CEBS, ECB and European Commission is also published.

The EBA publishes Recommendation and final results of bank recapitalisation plan as part of co-ordinated measures to restore confidence in the banking sector

The European Banking Authority (EBA) today published a formal Recommendation, and the final figures, related to banks’ recapitalisation needs. These measures form part of a broader European package, agreed by the European Council on 26 October and confirmed during the ECOFIN Council on 30 November, to address the current situation in the EU by restoring stability and confidence in the markets.

Opinion on the EC consultation on Shadow Banking

On 19 March 2012, the European Commission’s Services issued a Green paper on Shadow Banking for public consultation. In accordance with Article 34(1) of Regulation No 1093/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 establishing the European Banking Authority (EBA), the Board of Supervisors of the EBA has adopted this opinion with regard to the Green paper.

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