The EBA has submitted its comments regarding the IASB's Exposure Draft ED/2011/01 Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) submitted with regard to the accounting-related issues can be accessed here.
The EBA has submitted its comments regarding the IAASB's Discussion Paper 'The Evolving Nature of Financial Reporting: Disclosure and Its Audit Implications'.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) submitted with regard to the auditing-related issues can be accessed here.
The EBA has submitted its comments on the IFRS Foundation's publicly consulted Report of the Trustees' Strategy Review.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) has prepared on accounting-related issues can be accessed here.
The EBA has submitted its comments on the IAASB's ED ISAE 3000 (Revised) Assurance Engagements Other Than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) submitted with regard to the auditing-related issues can be accessed here.
The EBA has submitted its comments on the IAASB's Consultation paper 'Enhancing the Value of Auditor Reporting: Exploring Options for Change'.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) submitted with regard to the auditing-related issues can be accessed here.
The EBA has submitted its comments regarding the IASB's Exposure Draft ED/2011/03 Mandatory Effective Date of IFRS 9.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) submitted with regard to the accounting-related issues can be accessed here.
The EBA has submitted its comments onthe IASB's Agenda Consultation 2011.<br /><br />The list of all comment letters the EBA (and its predecessor CEBS) submitted with regard to the accounting-related issues can be accessed here.
Following the publication of the results of the EU-wide stress test on 23 July 2010, CEBS issues a statement to clarify the details of key criteria used in the disclosures of banks exposures to sovereign debt accompanying the publication of the results.