3L3 chairs' join letter to EU institutions submitting draft work programmes

Today the 3 Level 3 Committees [the Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS), the Committee of European Insurance and Occupational Pensions (CEIOPS) together with the Committee of European Securities Regulators (CESR)] publish their Chairs’ joint letter sent individually to Mr McCreevy (EU Commissioner, Internal Market and Services), Mme Berès MEP (Chair, ECON, EU Parliament), and Dr Bajuk (Presidency, EU Council), submitting their current drafts of sector and joint 3 Level 3 Work Programmes.

Call for technical advice from the IWCFC on financial conglomerates

The Interim Working Committee on Financial Conglomerates (IWCFC) of CEBS and CEIOPS, received the third call for technical advice from the European Commission. The Commission services is requesting the IWCFC to conduct a stocktake to assess of practices implemented in the Member States. The IWCFC has already delivered advice with respect to cross sectoral work on the eligibility of own funds, and the equivalence of financial conglomerates supervision in Switzerland and in the US. These contributions providing useful input to the review of the Financial Conglomerates Directive.

CEBS publishes consultation paper on options and national discretions in the CRD.

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) is publishing today its consultation paper (CP18) on its proposals on options and national discretions in the Capital Requirements Directive as part of developing its response to the European Commission's Call for Technical Advice (No. 10). The consultation is open to all interested parties, including supervised institutions and other market participants. The consultation period will run until 15 August 2008.<br />A public hearing open to all interest parties will take place on 17 June 2008 at CEBS premises in London.

CEBS draft guidelines on concentration risk

<p>The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes its draft revised guidelines on aspects of the management of concentration risk under the supervisory review process. The consultation is open to all interested parties, including supervised institutions and other market participants.</p>

CEBS publishes consulation paper on technical aspects of diversification

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today starts a public consultation on its proposed technical approach to understanding claims for diversification benefits arising from internal models used by supervised institutions for Pillar 2 purposes. The consultation, which starts today and runs until 31 October 2008 is open to all interested parties including supervised institutions and other market participants.<br />A public hearing will take place on 8 September 2008 at CEBS’s premises in order to allow all interested parties to present their comments to CEBS.

CEBS draft revised Guidelines on stress testing

<p>The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes the draft of its revised Guidelines on stress testing for consultation. The consultation is open to all interested parties, including supervised institutions and other market participants.</p>

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