The 3 Level 3 Committees (CESR, CEBS and CEIOPS) publish today their joint "Consultation Paper on the 3 Level 3 Committees' Medium Term Work Programme" (2008-2010). Building on the experience of the joint work and cooperation between the three Committees in their three common years of existence, and the creation of the Joint Protocol on Cooperation that the three Committees entered into two years ago. The three Committees wish to take the opportunity in the ongoing review of the Lamfalussy process to contribute to the discussion on the possible ways to enhance regulatory and supervisory consistency across sectors. In the 3L3 Medium Term Work Programme, the Committees have identified a comprehensive list of cross-sector areas for delivery in the period to the end of 2010 – the 'medium term', and six key areas for work within this three year period. The Committees would welcome input from the financial industry, investors and all other stakeholders regarding what they would most like to see addressed in a three Level3 setting in the medium term perspective. Comments on the key areas, the work programme in general, and other issues raised, are invited by 18 January 2008. Answers should be posted on the website of CESR, under the area indentified as "Consultations" in the menu.