CEBS's advice on e-Money

CEBS has provided the Commission with technical advice on the application of the E-Money Directive.

CEBS publishes a survey on supervisory practices for commodities business and firms carrying out commodities business

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) today publishes a survey on supervisory practices for commodities business and firms carrying out commodities business. The report responds to the first part of a Call for Advice (CfA No. 6) issued by the European Commission in August 2006. CEBS was invited to carry out a survey of supervisory practices for commodities business and firms carrying out commodities business and to assess the prudential risks arising from the conduct of commodities business.

CEBS publishes summary of proportionality workshop

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) and three European Banking Associations (the European Association of Co-operative Banks, European Banking Federation, and the European Savings Banks Group) jointly organised a workshop on the principle of proportionality on 11 January 2007 in London. The objective of the event was to bring together banking supervisors and industry representatives to have an open and informal exchange of views on the application of the principle of proportionality.

CEBS appoints new bureau members

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) has appointed Rudi Bonte and Jukka Vesala as new members to its Bureau. Mr. Bonte and Mr. Vesala started working in their new roles from 15 January 2007. On 31 January Rudi Bonte and Jukka Vesala were also appointed as Directors of CEBS Secretariat Limited.

CEBS publishes a quantitative survey on hybrid capital instruments

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) is publishing today an empirical snapshot of the characteristics of hybrid capital instruments recognised as regulatory original own funds in the European Economic Area (EEA). It is the third contribution of CEBS to the European Commission’s current review of the definition of Own Funds. It complements the CEBS survey of the implementation of the current rules across Member States and its analysis of the capital instruments recently created by the industry, published on 23 June 2006.

CEBS starts consultation on the establishment of a mediation mechanism between banking supervisors

The Committee of European Banking Supervisors (CEBS) is publishing today its Consultation Paper (CP13) on a mediation mechanism between banking supervisors. The consultation is open to all interested parties, including supervised institutions, other market participants and end users of banking services. The consultation period begins today and will run until 19 June 2007. CEBS is organising a public hearing on 29 May 2007 on the Consultation Paper, please download the registration form here.

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