Guidelines on the benchmarking of diversity practices including diversity policies and gender pay gap
- Status: Final and translated into the EU official languages
The Guidelines on the benchmarking of diversity practices including diversity policies and gender pay gap aim to lead to a higher level of transparency regarding the EBA’s work on the topic of diversity and gender equality and will help improve the quality of the collected data as well as the awareness of all stakeholders on this topics. They will apply to institutions and investment firms and include templates and instructions for the collection of diversity data, which currently is foreseen every three years.
Summary of document history
Final report on Guidelines on the benchmarking of diversity practices including diversity policies and gender pay gap
- Status: Applicable
- Application date:
- Compliance deadline:
Final report on Guidelines on the diversity benchmarking exercise
(639.56 KB - PDF)
bgБългарски (190.8 KB - PDF)
csČeština (186.58 KB - PDF)
daDansk (144.94 KB - PDF)
deDeutsch (154.1 KB - PDF)
elΕλληνικά (195.71 KB - PDF)
esEspañol (157.26 KB - PDF)
etEesti (141.77 KB - PDF)
fiSuomi (148.52 KB - PDF)
frFrançais (154.34 KB - PDF)
gaGaeilge (171.82 KB - PDF)
hrHrvatski (186.62 KB - PDF)
huMagyar (195.08 KB - PDF)
itItaliano (147.33 KB - PDF)
ltLietuvių (180.56 KB - PDF)
lvLatviešu (184.13 KB - PDF)
mtMalti (216.53 KB - PDF)
nlNederlands (150.7 KB - PDF)
plPolski (200.99 KB - PDF)
ptPortuguês (158.06 KB - PDF)
roRomână (194.2 KB - PDF)
skSlovenčina (187.68 KB - PDF)
slSlovenščina (188.32 KB - PDF)
svSvenska (145.51 KB - PDF)
Annex - Guidelines on diversity benchmarking
(31.42 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
bgБългарски (55.28 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
csČeština (53.36 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
daDansk (53.04 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
deDeutsch (151.5 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
elΕλληνικά (55.74 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
esEspañol (53.81 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
etEesti (53.09 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
fiSuomi (72.34 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
frFrançais (53.83 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
gaGaeilge (53.7 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
hrHrvatski (53.59 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
huMagyar (63.41 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
itItaliano (53.63 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
ltLietuvių (59.02 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
lvLatviešu (57.61 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
mtMalti (53.59 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
nlNederlands (58.62 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
plPolski (53.98 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
ptPortuguês (53.64 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
roRomână (44.83 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
skSlovenčina (63.33 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
slSlovenščina (53.35 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
svSvenska (60.45 KB - Excel Spreadsheet)
Compliance table
(51.02 KB - Excel Spreadsheet) Last update 10 January 2025
Press contacts
Franca Rosa Congiu