Guidelines on internal governance under CRD
- Status: Final and translated into the EU official languages
The Guidelines consolidate and update former guidelines on Internal Governance and incorporate new chapters on the transparency of the corporate structure, the role, tasks and responsibilities of the supervisory function and on IT-systems and business continuity management. Their aim is to enhance and consolidate supervisory expectations and ultimately to improve the sound implementation of internal governance arrangements.
Summary of document history
Final report on Guidelines on internal governance
- Status: Repealed
- Application date:
- Compliance deadline:
Final Guidelines on Internal Governance (EBA-GL-2017-11)
(799.19 KB - PDF) Last update 11 October 2017
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ptPortuguês (492.72 KB - PDF)
roRomână (607.7 KB - PDF)
skSlovenčina (572.93 KB - PDF)
slSlovenščina (547.89 KB - PDF)
svSvenska (487.32 KB - PDF)
Compliance table
(109.13 KB - PDF) Last update 30 April 2014
bgБългарски (389.92 KB - PDF)
csČeština (327.43 KB - PDF)
daDansk (176.24 KB - PDF)
deDeutsch (208.69 KB - PDF)
elΕλληνικά (427.75 KB - PDF)
esEspañol (257.31 KB - PDF)
etEesti (180 KB - PDF)
fiSuomi (203.9 KB - PDF)
frFrançais (203.66 KB - PDF)
huMagyar (268.38 KB - PDF)
itItaliano (195 KB - PDF)
ltLietuvių (384.22 KB - PDF)
lvLatviešu (331.38 KB - PDF)
mtMalti (329.27 KB - PDF)
nlNederlands (192.29 KB - PDF)
plPolski (309.3 KB - PDF)
ptPortuguês (196.43 KB - PDF)
roRomână (321.19 KB - PDF)
skSlovenčina (292.59 KB - PDF)
slSlovenščina (281.14 KB - PDF)
svSvenska (170.46 KB - PDF)
Press contacts
Franca Rosa Congiu